Sunday, 26 February 2012

Sherwood Lake - First Sun of 2012

With Derek still walking the dog, and the nights getting a bit lighter with with the promise of some warmth I decided it was time to dust of the kit and collate it ( following the lakeview fiasco) into one holdall.
The temp wasnt quite the 16-18 promised but with 13 degrees on thc car I decided I had to get out on the bank. I didnt expect much as i pulled in the lane and when i saw i distinct lack of cars i did wonder if i had peaked a bit earyl
However a few yards down the lane and langdale channel was peppered with pleasure anglers and checking the board there were no matches on any lakes!
I did wonder about the pole but there was a decent breeze when i arrived and decided the feeder rod would be first out the bag.
The bailiff turned up after my first cast ( im sure hes got a tracker on my car) and told me I should have a few. I was on Bomb and corn when he arrived and he suggested my tactics were ok but not to dismiss feeding as they ' had been having it'....mmm...maybe i was being too cautious
with only a couple of ide and a huge missed bite i sat as the weather totally change and the sun came out and the wind stopped. It could have been July for about an hour....not a ripple on the lake. The bizarre thing being that i didnt see a fish top for maybe 30 mins then 2 in seconds then nothing again....not random....
I switched to mini method with hair rigged pellet on an 18 and stuck with it for an hours....nothing.....not a touch.
Switched to a mini feeder with dusted pellets and maggot on the hook and winkled out a few more ide and a decent roach
I cast around and lost two hooks on a snag i had forgotten from a year or so ago ( muppet)...definately something to the right of the reed bed.
There were two others to my right on pole and i saw them get a few ide and skimmers but they were quite a distance away. There were only three of us on Sherwood lake. Peaceful if nothing else.
Not masses to report. Scratch and Switch it was ......Highlight possibly watching a ' kite' gliding just above the tree line opposite for ages....real close and impressive.
Roll on summer 2012....
I only took 1 x photo and tried to send but the classic poor signal did me down there.