Friday, 8 June 2012

Once in a life time session?

Friday 8th June 2012 12 degrees gales and heavy rain Plans of Higham Farm and tench were abandoned as the rain continued and the w looked a little less threatening. After crawling out of bed, making sandwiches, breakfast and changing the selected tackle and bait a session at Butterley with a quick escape if the weather proved too much the chosen approach. The new enhanced and repaired seat the chosen key piece of kit and chasing the wind as advised. Ended up the red letter peg and battled for the first hour to fish and keep a brollie in place on solid rock and concrete. Well in for a penny in for a pound. With Lucy having friends over this was an opportunity to have a good 6 hours. Banged out a good 15 feeders, went for the method feeder and meat as bait. Nothing cast one, then cast two rod wrapped round and a carp sped off across the lake. After a good battle a solid 6lb carp came to the net. Then off it went catching through out the day on bollie, pellet and meat ended with 27 bream and 4 carp. If it went quiet i.e. two casts and no sign out went 10 feeders of bait. Plenty of pellets and meat went in. Seem to hold them for a while. Plenty of fish need plenty of bait. Session of a life time and it just got better and better. 100lb of fish. Just got to get the conditions right.

Butterley is bouncing back

Wednesday 6th June 2012 Red letter peg is always the barometer for Butterley. Fished the morning and ended with 2 carp and 10 bream. A solid session which shows the potential. Uneventful except for age old stories from baliff of bream shoals that would fill the pacific ocean and roach as big as Moby Dick. Does he have a set script? One key piece of advice was follow the wind.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Sweet and Sour

Sherwood Holmedale Nicholson smashed Nicholls with 9 fish to 2. Fishmeal sour destroyed by sweet bombay mix Fishing sensibly with feeder versus spacker. Again enough said. Nice fish Nico.

Nicholls 2 Nicholson 1

Wednesday Evening 3 Bream Hot as hell Never going to catch Enough said