Sunday, 18 November 2012

One out of three an't bad

It started as three and ended with one. The catcher alone headed out in conditions that would have made Scott of the Antartic think twice. Car packed the night before, red maggots purchased and coffee galore. Optimism as ever the motto of the crusading angler. 6.15am dark, cold, car frozen. Such a contrast to the mild day before. Typical. Race down the A50 found a Cudmore very busy with Milo one of the main lakes and a match pending at 7.20am! Mentalists.
But luck was with the catcher the hot peg on Milo was free. Quickly paying,loaded up with kit and slipping in the mud the peg was claimed for Queen and country. Feeder, red maggot feeder and off I went.
10 minutes - nothing? 20 minutes - nothing? 30 minutes - nothing? And so it progressed for one and a half hours. Not one angler on the lake appearing to have a bite.
With enough being enough plan B was launched. Loaded up with kit headed to Drumble. Well to cut a long story short. It warmed up a little. Fished tight to the island when I could. Caught 5 carp and 4 chub on red maggot. Fished until 10am on Milo and from 10am until 12noon on Drumble. Pleased with result. Nice session in very cold conditions. There is hope amigos!