Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Count of Monty Cudmore

News Headlines Dong - Nicholls up at 4am Bong - It stopped raining Bing - Nautilus picked up keen coot on road Dong - sleepy eyed chat on way Bing - Weather cold Bong - Dangler set for Arctic sea fishing Dong - 7am start and pegs selected Bong - Sat on each others knees Dong - The Count catches only carp in lake! Bong - Pellet, meat and maggots Dong - Crabtree tries large pineapple and loaf of warburtons in margins but fails Bong - Those on best pegs catch nothing - but also decide to sit on each others knees Dong - Is it a gay lake as everyone on our side sat tight - other side of cables straight side? Bong - Not enough line Bing - Nautilus decides to fish right handed and cast to every peg on lake Dong - Worms again ignored Dong - Overflow of lake a river Bong - Count Dangler tries out smurf outfit Dong - Water cold Bong - All good fish but not enough of them Dong - Slow Bong - Totally switched off at midday after a run of a few fish Dong - Where is the warmth of spring Bong - Want revenge Ding - Count has less than 1 fish per hour Bong - Nautilus has two tench in 7 decrees temp Ding - Win for Coot but only 12 fish Dong - Sausage cob and banter the highlight Bong - Await festival dates and Centenary session 2013 Dong - Coot in trouble with Misses for ringing by accident on way Bong - Session certainly the lull in the storm as wind and rain returned Dong - Coot only lost one feeder on island Bong - This time last year Dangler had already had 100lb at Butterley, Kelly Jones Nicholson had a tan and the Coot was dreaming of moving to the doorstep of Butterley and Sophie could still possibly have been a boy Bing - Frustrating game Dong - In the words of Arnie - 'I'll be back!' Bong - Rain will eventually stop - maybe? Wicker at Milo
The Boys REALLY Enjoying it
Just when he thought he had got it going!

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