Sunday, 30 September 2012

Casting to Home Furnishings....

With both Anglers freed from commitments this weekend there was a hastily arranged session at the Butterley Arms.
7am and 11 degrees seemed 'do-able' for a few of those pesky bream from the 80's. Nico arrived to find Cootcatcher beating a retreat from the Carp Front back to Swanwick ...... a wave of the hand had ended the masterplan and it was all downhill from there.

We hummed and arrrhed and eventually did the only thing we could which was to place ourselves on the viaduct in prevoiusly fished pegs ( they didnt produce that time either).....

We knew from that moment it was going to be tough.....

An early liner for Nico was a false dawn and for the next 2.5 hours our tips never moved....

The monotony was broken briefly when Coot hooked a Jack Pike on the retrieve but lost it just as quick.

We discussed Weddings / Decorating / Family / Work / United / Every possible angling scenario and much wasnt to be.

With both flasks being drained the writing was on the 10.30 we called it a day....


The Bailiff also came with tales of winter carp shoaled in 3ft of water?...mmmm....

Derek contemplates the Megan Stammers scenario....

Butters in Autumn

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